This graph shows that the value of energy and minerals and metals exports increased by 102% between 2000 and 2011. In 2011, energy and minerals and metals exports accounted for nearly 50% of Canada’s total merchandise exports.

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Energy 54.3 57.1 49.1 60.9 69.1 86.7 86.8 93.2 129.7 78.7 91.5 109.6
Minerals and Metals 49.1 46.9 49.1 46.6 54.9 62.4 72.8 81.5 92.3 64.1 81.4 97.6
Other sectors 282.3 271.2 267.1 246.8 261.5 259.5 251.9 245.2 233.3 191.6 201.2 211.9
Total exports 385.7 375.2 365.3 354.3 385.5 408.6 411.5 419.9 455.3 334.4 374.1 419.1